In search of ' Purpose of Life' rhyming poetry "Me and My Lord".

আপডেট: ২২ অগাস্ট ২০২৪, ১১:৫৮

Me and My Lord

Oh Great Lord! You’re Ruler hard,
Rules are thy, I only abide by.
Whatever I tell, You are real voice in veil
I merely amplify.

You’re scriptwriter must, I’m thespian just,
I’m naught, it’s You who call the shot.
I am only bee, make honey for thee,
I’m worthy not, just a crackpot.

I’m mere lyrics, your sign and mundane design
You are music pure, for sure, nature’s chime.
Lyrics get lost, music never exhaust.

I’m mundane mortal, You’re Lord spiritual.
I’m searing sand in desert,
You’re montage of moving mirage in desert vast
Always flitting fast, ever elusive and don’t last.

Here I came, only to play your game, as you desire
You’re source, of course and I’m reflection mere.

Sun goes down, to shine another town
You never end your day.
You seem set, but that’s not true, I bet.
It’s mere daze, an illusion and maze.

But alas, it’s no fuss, at end of each day,
Ever young you stay and I get aged and pay.

I’m bird and you’re wing, which you swing,
You flap and I fly at ease.
I don’t know for sure though,
When the flap you cease!

You’re oar and I’m mere boat not more,
Infinite is the sea.
I’m crap! don’t know when the oar snap,
as You decree!

I’m mere a frame I know,
and you are the shadow though.
I know you are pure for sure,
and with me you always tour.
Day and night, in and out,
like body and mind in a row.

Every now and then,
I doubt you are out and gone to your Haven.
Why don’t you speak? only play hide and seek,
Oh Lord! You know I’m meek.

If I don’t see thee, feel you’ve eschewed me,
and left me bereft.
O Lord! I fear and shiver
Lest, forever you left.

Woe to my earthly eye,
I doubt you bade me good bye.
You know my limit, O Lord! I’m sure of it,
thus relief I sigh.