আপডেট: ২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ১২:২৭
The world below, is spuriously mellow.
There all you get, your mind it will satiate
and sensual needs will be met.
Everything is physical and hollow,
no heart no heavenly glow.
Don’t worry,
it’s a way of living, to the contrary.
Live usual, remain sensual,
it’s an art, just don’t take by heart.
Just take, whatever comes to head,
the soul, the morality are all dead.
Might is right there, virtue is a word mere.
All are set like dream planet,
take now or never, lest it be late.
Reap without sowing, no wrong, nothing.
Lightning Rod, wretch sod, stubborn as rock
Standing dumb and drooped in dock.
He protected Godfather and faced whatever.
Always stood steady and was ready
to pay proper price.
Even if that meant ‘do or die’ intent
i.e. supreme sacrifice.
Leader’s life is not rife,
his name fame all are, as tall as sky scraper.
Society needs him as mover and shaker,
that’s why he is leader.
For all deeds, leader needs
protection squad, i.e. Lightning Rod.
For Leader’s vice
Who is created to sacrifice
Blindfolded statue with unwavering arm
holds the balance firm.
Rest of universe watch dumb.
no nod, no thumb.