আপডেট: ১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪, ১৬:০৩
Millions march willy-nilly;
life seems mere a race only!
Ethics, morality are bookish and bullshit
gradually banished to back seat.
End justifies the means and result only matter
We all are sprinter, running mad as a hatter.
Life seems chasing sensory illusion,
nothing but hallucination.
It’s a relay to reach anyway, next stair
push the peers to mount next tier.
Loss of neighbor, Gain for me,
expediency is the key.
For survival, rivals are the neighbor,
Fight them and abhor!
In this duet, all sail and sweat
to exploit each other’s weakness
Crazy to climb, action or mime,
bent to do bare business.
All look at others in heat,
only red eyes meet.
Too busy to take heed of some
trampled under the feet.
No pause, as if it’ll cause
end and perdition!
Does it really end or simply it’s a bend,
an illusion?
All talk though, no one know,
what is at bend and beyond!
That looks blurry donned
and one can easily be conned.
Bend and beyond is a mystery,
yet all move and muse to get entry.
It’s like maze and mirage,
only coy and conjecture.
‘Going is knowing, goners are only fixer’.
But alas! It’s an impasse.
It’s a one-way track,
goners are never back.
Where the goners now live;
where will we all go, we believe!
All live in fear and guess,
yet life is so sweet a race!