In search for 'Meaning of Life' rhyming poem "Human and Nature".

আপডেট: ০৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪, ২১:২৭

Human and Nature

Gracious Lord!
the champion of reward.
He has no dearth of any worth, only more
endows the earth with gift galore.

He has means abysmal
and has equal allotment for all.

Alas! men surpass limit, every minute,
no sense and no conscience.
Private land, all understand,
bought by money and meticulously planned.

Men are bent to do whatever expedient
their wanton whim they give vent.
They change nature’s land, swamp or sand,
resource above and subterranean thereof.

To redeem, men go to any extreme,
nothing they heed and seldom cede.

Men will level or lift
heaven and earth, let be of any worth,
and barge into bloody conflict
with full force, without any remorse.

Human being, do anything,
night and day, men change nature’s lay.
Filling and digging,
building highway, runway or do the mining.

Senseless binge of building with rapture,
factory, skyscraper and infrastructure.
No sense of ethic or symbiotic.
Men take any stakes, doing whatever it takes.

Men destroy nature’s gift, without sift,
in the name of science!
It’s a war, against nature, I wager,
It’s a total defiance!

Men take nature’s gift as right
no gratitude only feud and fight.
Men try to control natural change
and through calamities nature take revenge.