In search for 'Meaning of Life' rhyming poem "What You wanted and What I fetched!".

আপডেট: ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪, ২২:২৭

Who Am I?

"What You wanted and What I fetched!" 



A single boat

Only me and You, whom I dote.  

In this journey I’ve just one goal

‘To satisfy You, Heaven’s mole’.  


Contrary to heed, what You need

I took you onboard.   

Trekked through all twilight zone road.


I spent overboard, exhausting my hoard.

Dragged You eve to dawn

from mountain to ocean,

In search of gem and elixir potion.


Journeyed pole to pole,

trekking through plain, hill and knoll.

At Your behest, collected to my best,

not caring about vice and virtue test.


Alas! Now I see to satisfy thee, 

I remained totally insane

All my efforts went in vain.


Never heeded, O! I’m wretched,

“What you wanted and what I fetched”.