In search for 'Meaning of Life' rhyming poem "What He desired and What I delivered!".

আপডেট: ০৯ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ১৪:৩৬

Who Am I?

What He desired and what I delivered!



To quench my thirst inbred

I chased mirage and ended up in red.

Lord! take me to You, no delay no review

Reprieve me from this pang, I’m done.  


Now I know, I contain in my own den,

Lord’s nectar fountain.   

No riddle no fiddle, no more I can bear,

slake my thirst, now and first, O Lord dear.


Take me to thou, out of me now

Carry me in your arm.

To the lodge, wherefrom I got my human badge

Sans any choice, any term.


Whatever I’ve done; vice or virtue

My pal my peer, it’s all for you.

You know that, heavenly soul

And knows my Lord, who I owe my toll.


Tangled in tug of war, since birth,  

between Heaven and Earth.

To live better, here and after,

all I did- to run their chore for sure.


Oh Soul! Lord’s mole,  

You are part of Paradise.

And I know, back You go,

sans any price and speck of vice.


Earth will fill Her empty part

with my body dirt.

Heaven and Earth will take their worth,

leaving only this wretch mortal.


Woe to me, now I see,

I’m left out to me alone here.

Heaven and Earth, in respective berth,

content with own share.


Alas! Who am I! and why here?  

nobody put that bare.


Finally, at this panting twilight

I realize right.

Death, Who I push away from eve to dawn

Now I know, You are my real own.    


Now, in glance of Grim Reaper,

trying to sum and shiver

What He desired and what I delivered!