In search for 'Meaning of Life' rhyming poem "Butcher of Nature".

আপডেট: ১৫ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪, ১৮:৪১

Butcher of Nature

Human being stakes, whatever it takes,
in the name of technology.
Having moved by caprice, they peddle all vice
wrecking nature like dictator, with reason fudgy.

Men, every now and then
with ploy of progress,
destroy nature regardless.

Industries vomit poisonous air,
pollute water in full gear.
Human are butcher of nature,
no sense of foul or fair.

Flaying flora and fauna without respite,
as if men hold mana
and destroy nature despite.

Such acts are sheer suicidal,
Alas, no one to put a bridle.

Innocent babies lie supine,
as the blue open sky shine;
unprotected and bare,
breathing fresh air.

As wind blows
and if a leaf falls on her nose!
With no one beside
helpless child vies and dies in woes.

Likewise, green leaves of helpless trees
gather dust bare, from polluted air.
Fresh air it can’t breathe and silently writhe
helplessly sighs and slowly dies.

Nature slowly dying of slow poisoning,
with deep pain untold.
Dumb nature crave and die like helpless slave,
their story never unfold.