In search for 'Meaning of Life' rhyming poem "Heaven's Mole".

আপডেট: 2024-10-05 18:16:25

Who Am I?

“Heaven’s Mole”.  


O! My Soul, Heaven’s mole  

Now I’m done! and goes down the sun.  

It’s getting dark around

Not sure where my boat is bound. 


I exhausted all I had     

But Your Tank is Blank!

and You look sad!      


What a mess! now You turn your face,

No ground nothing around

Yet You’re leave in any case.  


The lodge, ever you longed,

for final consummation.

As, all stream flows down and dream

to fuse in the ocean.


For so many days, in rain and rays,

You just spent your turn

In my smelly Barn.   


Only passed Your time,

Ever longing for chime,

call for return.


As the call came, You ended all game

Departed as dart, without a nod,

dying to drink nectar of God.


Abysmal throes only for those,

who are left back.

On the labyrinth of life’s lanes to hack.


Left-outs wail, yet the caravan propel,

not anything to mull.

Halt for none, all is done,

to attend providence call.


Some call, liminal bare, mumbles in my ear

Listen! “Ambrosia is heritage of heaven,

Earthly air it cannot bear.  


It’s volatile and vapory, can’t befriend breath

It only co-habit with death”.


Me, mere moron mortal! Oh God,

Seeking heaven in human den! I’m sod.


All went in vain, in this world mundane

Here, tried my best to taste heavenly tang,  

Thus delayed my swansong!